Is chilli dating floyd mayweather

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I'll support whatever he wants to do. But if somehow I did something solo to that. I carry it all the time and people always come to me asking, 'Where'd you get the bag from. We do not collect any other type of personal data. Interestingly, Cole met her biological father for the first time in May of 2016 and he happens to be a respected boxing trainer. Floyd Mayweather will by no means. Her career began when she met MC Hammer at the age of 12, and later met rapper Tupac Shakur.

Rozonda 'Chilli' Thomas, the 'sexy' component of TLC, one of the best selling girl groups of all time, graces the April 2008 cover of Sister 2 Sister magazine. The petite beauty dished on everything from her venture into the fashion world with her Bags by Chilli apparel line, the strong relationship continues to maintain with Usher's mother, Jonnetta 'Mama Pat' Patton despite his marriage to that walking negro spiritual he refers to as his wife a. Chilli also sounds off on why she doesn't give a damn about what Tameka thinks or says about her. Peep the excerpts below before a certain bogus, faked-out website lifts them up, claim them as their own and rearrange the wording to their liking. I would insert an LOL here, but I'm serious. We're still cool; we're friends. It's just that he's really busy and it's hard to try to be an artist and run a label. It's hard to split the two and I saw that. But we worked in the studio together and we did a song together. He's not featured on the record but he did the track and we wrote on another record together. It's not so much as trying to find a deal. It's trying to be someplace where I'm happy with the deal. But I just don't ever wanna do that again. I mean just dance, dance. Like I want people to--when they work out they want to put my CD in. I have no clue. By the time I think she was doing it, I had already passed on the track. I just didn't want to do it. And some producers--I don't really know how--everybody works differently, but some producers give five people the same track at once. Which is, to me, not good; that's not a good business move. You can make people real mad at you--wanna beat you up. I think I would've wanted to fight him Polow Da Don if I had still wanted that recorded. That wasn't my case. I don't really know what she said, to be honest with you. I don't know if I was singled out or if she put everybody in the same box. I mean, I have no clue. I don't care what comment s she makes or whatever. I don't have anything to do with that. When Usher and I were together--like I said, we had very happy times and we had our bad times. At the end of the day I didn't work for him and he did not work for me. That's why we're not together. The only time that his name comes to mind is when somebody asks me. I done forgot all about it. Jonnetta and I are friends. We've always been friends. I know that he doesn't have a problem with it; it doesn't have anything to do with his life right now. We've been over for like four years--probably over four years. It's been a long time. We just didn't work out. I can tell you this: with everybody thinking that Confessions was about our relationship, it had absolutely nothing to do with our relationship. We were together when he was recording that album. I was in the studio with him on most of those songs. So I guess people just don't do the math with it all. We broke up because we just did not work, and that's it. It's funny to me that people are still fascinated with the situation since it's been dead for so long. I guess we were just 'that' couple--one of the couples that people like. So in the consumer world, if they like something they like and if it's over, they don't want it to be over. I guess it's like me being a little mad at Dawn from EnVogue for leaving laughs. You know what I'm saying? I'm like, man, you messed up my group! So you know, maybe people look at it like that. READ ABOUT THAT AND MUCH, MUCH MORE FROM CHILLI'S S2S INTERVIEW AFTER THE JUMP! So that's probably what that was. It didn't really bother me at all. We were together for two and a half years. It's not like when we broke up we hated each other; we just didn't work out as a couple. When you're in any relationship for a period of time, it takes a little while to get over it, and then once you're over it you don't act out anymore. But that's in any relationship. I don't think ours was any different. Obviously, we broke up, so it didn't happen. But again, I would think in most relationships that when you've been together for a while you talk about a lot of things. It doesn't mean that it's going to happen. But no, that relationship is over. He's a nice guy, though. He's just not my type. He lasted a couple of months longer than usual. I don't date alot. People probably think I do. I hate that I've been linked up with Tyson Beckford. We were friends and I guess we're still friends. If I see him I'll definitely talk to him, but he was never my boyfriend. We never dated, but they have it out there that we did. So that really upsets me. It's just awful being linked up with people that you've never been linked up with that way. But I'm really picky for very good reasons. I know how I am as a person. So if it's not everything that I want and what I need then I'm not going to waste my time. I think every person should be that way. But as far as the album is concerned--we do talk about it. So I can't say that it will never happen. I just don't know when; we're more like sisters so we just naturally check in with each other. I don't have to try to force myself to be close to somebody that I love very much. It just happens naturally. I thought that was just the most precious gift I ever received. I carry it all the time and people always come to me asking, 'Where'd you get the bag from? I definitely want to extend the line. Right now it is what you see, and you just upload your own picture. And I already started some sketches on different types of designs--more upscale. I want him to be a kid and enjoy being a teenager. Once he graduates from high school, if that's something he really wants to pursue, then he can do that. But right now, after high school is college. I'll support whatever he wants to do... He is just so hilarious and extremely smart. He's just a great person. He loves the Lord. He know that Jesus is first and he's just a great kid. I know he's gonna be a phenomenal man. I know he is;... I'm sure Tron will grow up one day and say that I did something that he didn't like or whatever. But basically what I've been doing is remembering things with my mom, how she was a parent to me. I have very good examples around me and the main thing is that I've always wanted to be a mommy. I love it so much and so I'm always trying to be the best mom for Tron--and even if I had other kids. People don't realize that they don't ask to be here; you choose to have them and God blesses you with these wonderful babies and you should just love them to no end. So I just don't understand people having kids and not being great parents to their babies..... I put him before I put myself. I've never had a nanny. I'm not saying people don't need help but I don't do that because I want to do everything for him myself. But he's just first. It's a lot of things that I've turned down because I chose to put my baby first. I think marriage is wonderful. I think it is an amazing thing for two people to come together and share a beautiful life, but at the same time it could be the worst thing when it's the wrong person. So because I want it so badly I haven't done it yet because I haven't met the guy that has the complete package for me. Whatever that is for me---and I'll know it when I see it. But I have yet to experience that. So because I haven't experienced that yet, I've chose not to settle. That's why I've never been married before 'cause I know I'll get a divorce quick. I'm definitely not engaged. Oh my god, no, and not married. You haven't seen me with anybody. Now, that's who I have a crush on. That's who they the media need to put me with. In little interviews I've seen with that movie he had-- The Game Plan was such a good movie. My son really liked it. I was like, man! And then he did interviews and I was like, oh, he seems so nice. Seems, you know, because you never know how people really are, but he is a cutie-pie. I think I would lay the smackdown on him. Don't let the little 5-foot stature fool you! All those things that I wanted to accomplished, I did in TLC. So I think right now all I wanna do is continue doing what I love to do and that's entertain. I just continue to ask God to bless me in doing that. According to the Vegaseye. They were accompanied by six other people. Witnesses said that the two behaved playfully with each other during their one hour stay in the restaurant. The following day Wednesday, March 12 , the boxing champ was spotted in the midst of a shoe-buying spree for Chilli. Sources say Mayweather bought her nine pairs of shoes at the Giuseppe Zanotti boutique inside the Forum Shops at Caesars. The couple has been spotted around Las Vegas since last summer. KappaChino I love the way you put that post together. Very easy to read. As for Chilli, it sounds like she's doing well for herself. You can tell she loves being a mommy. I hope she finds the right man with the 'complete package' soon! Ugh that Tameka lady. It's a damn shame that she insists on talking shit even after she's gotten the man, ring and baby. Those remarks she made in Essence magazine and I remember them because I still have that issue on my coffee table makes her look like she still has some issues with Chilli. Knowing her, she has probably wanted to be with Usher the entire time she was working for him. I hope her manly ass is satisfied now. But knowing her, she'll find something else to bitch about real soon. TLC FANATIC well i'm glad chilli completely cleared everything up-from her relationship with his mother to her relationship with that cnn dude. Wow it seems like this chick never ages! I am 30 years old, and I remember the fist song I heard from them was when I was about 13 or 14. She's definitely a pretty girl, I just wish she would cut her hair already. I'm sure that it will grow back, just cut it short like a 90s Halley Berry or even a layerd bob. If she comes out with a new album, she definitely needs to switch her look up. Anyways shes still fab chick.

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